Webinar: “Cross-border litigation after Brexit – plus ça change?” 23 March 2021 at 16.00 UTC
A CYK team will be sharing practical tips and guidance to get you up to speed on the new post-Brexit regime for disputes at this Lexology webinar on 23 March at 16:00 UTC.
The UK’s departure from the European Union was a ‘back to school’ moment for lawyers involved in cross-border litigation with the EU. The English High Court has historically been international in its outlook, and a widely-used forum for inbound litigants to resolve their disputes. Litigants from mainland Europe continue to represent a sizeable minority of litigants in the Commercial Court – and, as our largest trading partner, Europe isn’t going anywhere.
During this webinar, the CYK team of Sinead O’Callaghan, Lydia Danon and Sam Roberts will focus on the impact in practice of Brexit on cross-border litigation in England, including:
- Applicable law and jurisdiction
- Service of documents
- Recognition and enforcement of judgments
- Arbitration
The webinar is likely to be of particular interest to in-house counsel in the UK and overseas, and to lawyers at overseas law firms. Click here to register for your complimentary place.