COVID-19 Our Response
We have responded to the challenges of Covid-19 by continuing to provide the highest levels of service. We are working remotely and flexibly, and responding to the needs of our clients, staff, and the wider community.
Cooke, Young & Keidan LLP is following the UK Government and National Health Service advice and guidance for the protection of all staff, clients, and the wider community. We have also put in place additional measures appropriate to the best interests of our clients, visitors and service providers. We have implemented elements of our own business continuity plans which have facilitated the seamless transition to remote working. Our offices are open, but with an extensive series of measures having been implemented in order to ensure that social distancing and best practice can be observed by those who do need to attend the office. Our IT systems have long facilitated remote working, with confidentiality and system security as top priorities.
Please continue to interact with your usual contacts at CYK, and by the usual means. If you do not have an existing contact at CYK, please contact any one of the partners. As face-to-face meetings and travel are not desirable at present, we will be pleased to offer video conferences if you prefer that to telephone or email.