Digital Justice in the Era of Covid-19: a Pan-European Perspective – 24th June 2020, 12.00pm BST
CYK are pleased to invite you to join them in an upcoming webinar entitled Digital Justice in the Era of Covid-19: a Pan-European Perspective – at 12pm BST / 1pm CET on 24 June.
A panel of European legal experts will be looking at how technology has been used to help deliver justice across five major European jurisdictions during the Covid-19 pandemic, and what impact this may have on how justice is delivered across Europe in the long term. A link to allow you to access the webinar appears here.
We are very pleased to welcome speakers from a number of leading European law firms, who will provide a perspective on their respective markets:
- Sebastian Schwarz of METIS from Germany
- Paloma Carrasco Garcia of B Cremades y Asociados from Spain
- Dr Nino Sievi of Lex Futura from Switzerland
- Chiara Caliandro of De Berti Jacchia Franchini Forlani from Italy.
Sam Roberts and Mike Cumming-Bruce of CYK will provide the view from the UK, and the event will be available on the firm’s dedicated technology disputes website, cyklaw.tech.
The webinar will include:
- A review of how the courts in each of these five jurisdictions has sought to deliver justice using technology during the pandemic;
- How the wider legal industry is using technology to serve its clients in new ways to respect the quarantine and social distancing; and
- A forward-looking assessment of what impact the disruption brought about by the pandemic is liable to have in terms of how law is practised in each of the relevant jurisdictions going forward, in particular focusing on the impact of technology.
We expect this to be a fascinating discussion, and one we very much hope that you can attend. Please feel free to share the above webinar link with any of your wider contacts who you consider may be interested in this event.